Do you believe in God?

Understanding God and His Role

God is Our Spiritual Parent

  • God is our spiritual parent, the highest energy in the Universe. Throughout centuries, millions of people worldwide have loved and respected God
  • Some argue that God is a man-made creation, a mere figment of our imagination. But have you ever paused to consider that you are a ‘Spiritual Being’, and so is everyone else in the world. Our personalities are shaped by our actions(karmas). We need a spiritual guide/a parent—to correct us and help us become a pure and positive personality again

God’s Role in the Universe

  • God’s primary role is to guide us and restore our inner beauty. Without Him, we would lose our positive qualities and inner strength.
  • So, questioning God’s existence might not be the right approach. He is eternal, just like we are… And our connection with Him is everlasting

Different Perspectives on God

  • Some believe that humans created the concept of God to instil fear so that people do not prevent negative actions(karmas). However, God is not someone to fear; He is a merciful parent.
  • Others argue that the world’s creation is a completely physical process, with no role for God. Others gave the view that God created the world and all human beings.
  • According to spiritual wisdom, both ideas are incorrect. God reveals that three eternal entities exist in the universe: God, Souls, and Nature. All these were never been created, and none will ever be destroyed.

God’s Constant Role

  • Out of these 3 entities, Souls and Nature undergo changes in their qualities from positive to negative in the process of time, while God always remains constant and he transforms the qualities back to positive from negative. This is the process of spiritual creation or spitualy rejuvenation.

Instead of questioning, understand this ‘Drama of life’, feel God’s presence and transform ourselves by connecting with him to find that inner peace.

This is a profound topic, and people have diverse beliefs. Stay open-minded and explore spirituality in a way that resonates with you. Will try to explain the points more elaborately in our upcoming blogs. So stay tuned to dive deep into this.

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